Section 4
DNP3 parameters
Parameter descriptions
GUID-BA3F0B25-9823-4CB4-9CA2-B3F8918122DD v9
The DNP3 parameters for a specific IED can be accessed with PCM600 via
Configuration/Communication/Station Communication/DNP3.0
. There is one
general setting for DNP3 (
), available in function DNPGEN:1. This
parameter must be
for the other parameters to have effect. Each
communication channel has specific settings.
Function OPTICALPROT:1 is used to arbitrate between communication protocols such
as DNP3 or IEC 60870-5-103 on the optical port. Function RS485PROT:1 is used to
select if DNP3 or IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol shall be used for the
RS485 serial port. When RS485 serial port is selected, also settings in function
RS485GEN:1 must be considered.
There are specific settings for the serial channel depending on if the serial optical or
RS485 interface is used. Communication specific settings for the serial optical
interface are available in function OPTICALDNP:1 and communication specific
settings for the RS485 interface are available in function RS485DNP:1. There are
specific settings for the master sessions, available in function MSTSERIAL:1, when a
master session occurs on the serial channel.
In function DNPGENTCP:1 the selection of physical ports for the protocol is
configured. There are specific settings for the TCP/IP channel, available in functions
The channel blocks and the master blocks are separate but should be treated as pairs
grouped together with a number. For example, CH1TCP and MST1TCP should be
treated as an entity during engineering. The reason for this division is that it is
conceptually possible to have multiple masters talking on the same channel, for
example, a serial link, and it is also possible to imagine a single master switching
between different channels, for example, different serial links.
TCP/IP communication, CH1TCP - CH4TCP channels settings
defines the listen port if the channel is configured for TCP/IP. Default is
defines the port on which the UDP datagrams should be accepted if
the channel is configured for networking. Default is 20000.
1MRK 511 413-UUS B
Section 4
DNP3 parameters
650 series 2.2 ANSI
Communication protocol manual