Multipoint Videographic Recorder
6 Configuration
IM/SM3000–EN Rev. L
6.4.6 email
The instrument can be configured to send emails to a maximum of 6 recipients in response to certain events. The addressees can all
subscribe to the same SMTP server or the instrument can be configured to send emails via 2 different SMTP servers to a maximum
of 3 addressees per server.
Up to 10, independently configurable triggers can be enabled to generate an email when the selected source becomes active.
When a trigger source becomes active, an internal 1 minute delay timer is started. At the end of that minute, an email is generated
that includes, not only the event that initiated the delay timer, but every other event that occurred during the delay period together
with any enabled reports. The data returned in the email therefore reflects the real-time alarm state at the time the email was
generated, not the state when the first trigger source became active.
Each email includes a link to the instrument's embedded web server enabling the instrument's data and status to be viewed remotely
using an internet browser on a PC – see Section 6.4.5, page 69 and see Appendix E, page 176.
SMTP Authentication
SMTP messages are sent without authentication, meaning they are sent without a name and password to identify the originator of the
email. This may cause an email server to reject a recorder's request to send an email.
To prevent this, allocate a fixed IP address to the recorder and ensure this IP address is explicitly allowed as valid in the configuration
of the email server (and any intervening firewalls).
Fig. 6.9 Reports email Example
Fig. 6.10 Event Trigger email Example