If a radio is used, verify directional antenna with correct frequency
range is pointed toward base (
). The antenna should be
mounted vertically, with the vanes perpendicular to the ground.
Verify radio is good, with the same frequencies used.
If a modem is used, verify dial tone on line at the telephone
company’s termination box by checking Tip and Ring. Check wiring
from phone company’s box to dial-up modem. If cellular, also check
for proper Tip & Ring voltage. Insure that the phone number is
correct in the unit and WinCCU.
Telephone companies in the United States typically use a 48
volt power supply so the on-hook voltage between the
wires should be something less than 48 volts.
Measuring another way,
to ground is approx. zero volts
to ground is approx. –48 volts.
In the off-hook condition; Tip to ground will be approx. –20
volts while Ring to ground will be approx. –28 volts or
approx. 8 volts between Tip and Ring.
Users in other countries will need to consult with their local
telephone company.
Specific wiring drawings are sent with each unit, based on the options
ordered. Most wiring diagrams, including communications are available
on the web at http://www.abb.com/totalflow. Select “Continuing Customer
Service and Support”, and then select “Wiring Instructions”.
Communications pin-outs of the XFC and XRC are shown on pages 10
and 11 of this guide.