Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A100-L
© Copyright 2020 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision R
October 2020
Table 1: Related documents ......................................... 4
Table 2: Total weight ..................................................... 9
Table 4: Tightening torques (foot screws) .............. 13
Table 5: Tightening angle (foot screws)................... 13
Table 6: Lubricating oil pressure, oil inlet ............... 17
Table 7: Lubricating oil temperature at the inlet ... 18
Table 8: Lubricating oil temperature at the outlet. 18
Table 9: Tightening torques (86505)......................... 22
Table 12: Volume of water per cleaning process.... 40
Table 13: Tightening torques (81125) ....................... 40
Table 14: Amount of granulate .................................. 44
Table 16: Malfunctions when starting – Vibrations 46
Table 23: Surging of the turbocharger..................... 49
Table 27: Weights of assemblies [kg] ........................ 54
Table 28: Weight of wall insert [kg] ........................... 54
Table 29: Tightening torques (filter silencer screws)..
Table 30: Axial clearance A........................................... 67
Table 33: Tightening torque (56014) ......................... 74
Table 34: Tightening torque (51087) ......................... 75
Table 35: Tightening torque (56014) ......................... 78
Table 36: Tightening torque (51087) ......................... 79
Table 37: Axial clearance A ........................................... 80
Table 38: Tightening torque (77015).......................... 81
Table 39: Tightening torque (72011) .......................... 83
Table 40: Tightening torque (72004)......................... 85
Table 41: Tightening torque (72004) ......................... 86
Table 42: Tightening torque (51087) ......................... 87
Table 43: Overview of tightening torques ................ 90
Table 44: Tightening torque, insulation.................... 90
Table 45: Bypass procedure ........................................ 92
.............................. 94
Table 47: Required washers (01)................................. 95
Table 48: Tightening torque (57005)......................... 95
Table 49: Customer spare part set (97070) ........... 101
Table 50: Customer spare part set (97071) ............ 102
Table 51: Turbocharger with part numbers............ 104
Table 52: Cartridge group with part numbers ....... 106
Table 53: Customer tool set 90000 ......................... 107