Industrial Tracker Reference Guide FW 1.8 V0.2
Afer the frst positon is obtained, the geolocaton tming uplink are scheduled using the
parameter (or 120seconds fxed in SOS mode).
Important note:
Depending on
the config_flags
, the geoloc start message can be:
A WIFI positon message
A geoloc_start event message
A moton start event message
A moton stop event message
for more details
When doing a cold start, the tracker sends its frst positon using the
value. Afer this
one, the tracker uses systematcally a tmeout of 5 minutes instead of the confgured one (except in
SOS mode), untl it succeeds in having a positon.
To complete a positon, the GPS module expects one of the tto folloting conditons to be achieved.
tmeout (tme let to the GPS module to compute a more precise
positon) expires.
value is belot the confgured value. EHPE (Estmated Horizontal Positon
Error) is provided by the GPS component and is expressed in meter.
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10th July 2019
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