Industrial Tracker Reference Guide FW 1.8 V0.2
3.1 Getting started
The tracker is provided tith batery connected
Your LoRa nettork provider can use tto actvaton modes
OTAA (Over The Air Actvaton) that requires the folloting keys to join the nettork:
DEVEUI, APPEUI and APPKEY for each device. (the most used)
ABP (Actvaton by personalizaton) that requires the folloting keys to connect to
the nettork: DEVEUI, DEVADDR, NWKSKEY and APPSKEY for each device
Depending on your operator, some actons need to be done to actvate the transfer of the
data through Abeetay servers. Please refer to your vendor for more informaton.
The provided trackers are in OTA confguraton only. It can’t be modifed by confguraton. If you
need trackers torking in ABP please refer to your vendor.
3.2 Advice usage
For optmum radio performance the tracker should be laid lat (as shotn on the picture).
It can be fxed tith a magnet, screts or a doubleisided tape.
The close environment and orientaton of the tracker can inluence the radio performance. For
optmum results keep the zone around the antenna area clear from any conductng material or
magnetc felds.
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10th July 2019
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