Rendering Video
Video Rendering
In addition to settings for audio rendering, the Export dialog provides additional options
for rendering video:
Create Video File
If this is activated, a video le will be created in the same directory
as your rendered audio. Note that this option is only enabled if you have video clips
in the Arrangement View. Also, it is not possible to only render a video le enabling
video rendering will always produce a video in addition to rendered audio.
Video Encoder
This chooser allows you to select the encoder to use for the video
rendering. The choices you have here depend on the encoders you have installed.
Edit Video Encoder Settings
This button opens the settings window for the selected
encoder. Note that the settings options will vary depending on the encoder you have
chosen. Certain encoders have no user-con gurable options. In this case, the Edit
button will be disabled.
Once you've made your selections and clicked OK to begin the rendering process, audio
rendering will begin. After the audio rendering is complete, the video will be rendered.
Note that, depending on the encoder used, video rendering may occur in more than one
pass. Live will display a progress bar that will indicate the status of the process.
Unless you've speci ed a special window size or aspect ratio in the encoder settings, the
rendered video le will play back exactly as it appeared during real time playback in Live.
The video le will also contain the rendered audio.