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Network Name (SSID):
User can change the network name of this access
User can select the channel form the pull-down list.
Wireless network security
Network Authentication:
There are several types of authentication
modes including Open System, Shared Key, WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK.
Data encryption:
For Open System and Shared Key authentication mode,
the selection of encryption type is WEP. For WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK,
authentication mode, the encryption type supports both TKIP and AES.
When encryption is set to WEP…
Only valid when using WEP encryption algorithm. When key
length is set to 64 bits user can enter 5 ASCII characters (case sensitive),
and 128 bits for 13 ASCII characters (case sensitive).
Only valid when using WEP encryption algorithm.
When key length is set to 64 bits user can enter 10 Hexadecimal characters
(0~9, a~f) and 128 bits for 26 Hexadecimal characters (0~9, a~f).
Key index (advanced):
Select 1~4 key index form the pull-down menu,
must match with the connected AP’s key index.
When encryption is set to WPA-PSK/ WPA2-PSK…
Network key:
Enter network key at least 8 to 64 characters.
Confirm network key:
Enter network key again to confirm.