12. Analog comparator and OP-AMP
MC97F6108A User’s manual
Comparator and OP-AMP description
Comparator 0
"+" and "
" input are external analog port (CMP0_IN_P, CMP0_IN_N).
Output(CPOUT0) generates interrupt flag(CMP0IF) and comparator flag(C0_FLAG).
CPOUT0 is connected to the timer 0 event counter source.
CMP0IF is connected to a capture source of the timer 0.
C0_FLAG is used to start PPG.
Comparator 1
"+" input is external analog port (CMP1_IN_P).
"-" input is internal Vref selected by setting C1NVSL[3:0] register.
Output(CPOUT1) generates interrupt flag(CMP1IF) and comparator flag(C1_FLAG).
CPOUT1 is connected to the timer 1 event counter source.
CMP1IF is connected to a capture source of the timer 1 and PPG.
C1_FLAG is used to disable PPG output.
Comparator 2
"+" input is external analog port (CMP2_IN_P).
"-" input is internal Vref selected by setting C2NVSL[3:0] register.
Output(CPOUT2) generates interrupt flag(CMP2IF) and comparator flag(C2_FLAG).
CPOUT2 is connected to the timer 2 event counter source.
CMP2IF is connected to a capture source of the timer 2.
CPOUT2 is connected to the PPG to control the period of PPG in auto period mode.