Mini FunFly Flight Controller “Naze32” (
This hardware is provided as-is and end-user is expected to have reasonable
technical knowledge to complete set-up and reasonable R/C experience to operate
multi-rotor aircraft.
Mini Flight Controller 「なぜ」 (pronounced 「Naze」)
6 grams (no headers, 8 grams with).
2000 degrees/second 3-axis MEMS gyro.
auto-level capable with 3-axis MEMS accelerometer.
3-axis magnetometer.
Pressure sensor.
Flexible motor outputs, support various airframe types -
Quad/Hexa/Tri/Bi/Y4/Y6/octo/camera gimbal.
Battery voltage monitoring and low voltage alarm.
Up to 8 ch RC input - supports standard receivers or CPPM receiver.
Modern 32-bit ARM processor running at 3.3V/72MHz.
Onboard USB for setup and configuration.
MultiWii-based configuration software for easy setup.
Designed for use with small indoor or small to mid-sized outdoor
multirotor craft, or as a standalone camera stabilizer, the Naze32
flight control is simple to setup, with configuration based on
the familiar “MultiWii” software.
While the flight controller firmware and configuration software is based on the
MultiWii system, the processor is not Atmel AVR, and this hardware cannot be programmed
through the Arduino development environment or any AVR development tools. For more
information on STM32 development, see the following link:
Do not use this hardware for serious business, commercial aerial photography,
or anything else where its usage could endanger the end user, spectators, inanimate
objects, aircraft flying overhead, etc.
Using this hardware with any DJI frames is not supported.
This includes: FlameWheel 330, 450, 550, or any future or past frames released by DJI.