Pharm Pump II
Frequently Asked Questions
My pump is pre-programmed. How do I select
the pre-programmed option I need?
How do I program the pump myself?
Begin program selection by pressing #2 or #8. The options will
appear in alphabetical order with volume amount displayed.
Use the arrow keys to highlight your selection.
To start, press the arrow with SETUP above it. This is your main
arrow throughout the programming.
Press the TYPE function arrow key at this time to change to the
function of your choice. For example: VOLUME, AMBUL, TRANS,
Enter volume, set up speed and press QUIT. You may enter other
pump functions as necessary when prompted or enter QUIT to
save your program.
Select #2 or #8
Arrow key with SETUP in
the digital display window
How do I adjust the volume?
What is CW and CCW?
How do I change the speed?
How do I prime the pump?
To change the desired volume, press the SETUP key
and use the numeric key pad.
Key in the volume and then press ENTER. Once you
have chosen the desired volume, press QUIT.
CW turns the rotor clockwise. CCW turns the rotor counter-
clockwise. To change the existing setting, press the SETUP
key and select either CW or CCW. Press NEXT and then QUIT.
Press the SETUP key, then press NEXT. When you see
SPEED, enter the required RPM between 30 to 300 and
press ENTER. Press NEXT and then QUIT.
Press the START function key. Note: This is NOT a set priming
volume. When you verify the tubing is primed, press the STOP
function key, followed by the ABORT function key.
Access the menu
Select rotor direction
Enter required RPM
Press the START
function key
Prime complete