User Manual for
Cellswitch 100
Page 17 of 23
Call the reporting numbers
The device will first SMS, then call the reporting numbers when
an input is triggered.
Do not call the reporting numbers (Default)
The device will only SMS and not call the reporting numbers
when an input is triggered.
Enable the inputs (Default)
1234.F13on / 1234.Arm
If an input is triggered, a SMS will be sent.
Disable the inputs
1234.F13off / 1234.Disarm
If an input is triggered, no SMS will be sent.
Inputs enabled message
1234.F13a"Alarm armed"
When the inputs are enabled, this confirmation SMS will be
sent back.
Inputs disabled message
1234.F13b"Alarm disarmed"
When the inputs are disabled, this confirmation SMS will be
sent back.
Input 1 trigger delay time (Default: 0)
The time in seconds input 1 must be triggered high before a
SMS is sent. The delay only works on input 1. It also only works
when input 1 is HIGH, NOT on LOW. (Max: 24hrs or