Manual ETH-DIO-48
DC Power Screw Terminals
If a more secure retention method of providing the unit with power is desired, use these
clearly marked screw terminals to connect regulated 5VDC.
50 Pin Box Headers
The 50 pin box headers have standard 0.100" spacing between pins and are keyed to
prevent improper connections. It can be used with standard IDC type ribbon cables.
5V Resettable Fused Outputs
One 0.5A resettable fuse feeds two I/O connectors at pin 49 used to power external module
racks or relay boards and such. If an over-current persists on a circuit protected by a
resettable fuse, it will open, interrupting power to the circuit. Response time depends on
over-current level and ambient temperature, humidity, etc. The fuse will remain open until
the bi-metal elements cool sufficiently, at which time the circuit will be restored.
Pull-Up / Pull-Down Configuration Jumpers
For “Bias Configuration” (see option selection map or settings program for assistance) one
configuration jumper is used per 8-bit port (A0, B0 and C0 for P2 / Group 0, and A1, B1 and
C1 for P3 / Group 1); there are a total of six jumpers on the board. The I/O lines are either
pulled up
to +5V via 10KΩ (for dry-contact monitoring) or pulled down (for positive control
logic applications). When no jumpers are installed, the lines are left floating, however due to
the 10K resistor packs any un-used input will not have suppressed cross-talk. For pull-ups
(most common), install these jumpers in the +5V position. For pull-downs, install these
jumpers in the GND position. For neither, remove these jumpers.