Manual USB-DIO-32I
Chapter 5: Programming
The driver software provided with the board uses a 32-bit .dll front end compatible with any
Windows programming language. Samples provided in Borland Delphi, Microsoft Visual
Basic, Microsoft Visual C++ and C# demonstrate the use of the driver.
The following functions are provided by the driver in Windows.
These functions will allow you to read or write individual bits, bytes, or the entire board worth
of data. In addition, board-level functions complete the driver package.
For detailed information on each function refer to the USB Software Reference Manual.PDF
located in the <cardname> directory for this board. A C# Development Guide.PDF is
located in C:\Program Files\ACCES\USB-DIO-32I\Win32\Driver.SRC\AIOUSBNetSLN
(assuming defaults are accepted when installing from the CD).
unsigned long GetDevices(void )
unsigned long QueryDeviceInfo(DeviceIndex, pPID, pName, pDIOBytes, pCounters)
unsigned long DIO_Configure(DeviceIndex, bTristate, pOutMask, pData)
unsigned long DIO_Write1(DeviceIndex, BitIndex, bData)
unsigned long DIO_Write8(DeviceIndex, ByteIndex, Data)
unsigned long DIO_WriteAll(DeviceIndex,pData)
unsigned long DIO_Read8(DeviceIndex, ByteIndex,pBuffer)
unsigned long DIO_ReadAll(DeviceIndex,Buffer)