Blood glucose testing in a multi-patient setting
Farbe: P 249 – Prüfmittelnummer: 203
Measurement and storage conditions
10.4 Suitable disinfectants
Use only disinfectants of proven effectiveness quoted in official guide-
lines (e.g. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Protection of Lab-
oratory Workers from Occupationally Acquired Infections; Approved
Guideline – Third Edition; CLSI document M29-A3, 2005).
Use alcohol-based surface disinfectants with virucidal activity. Suitable
agents are those, for instance, based on alcohols, aldehyde cleavers and
quaternary compounds*. Use them according to manufacturer’s instruc-
* List of disinfection methods that have been tested in accordance with the “Richtlinien für
die Prüfung chemischer Desinfektionsmittel” [Guidelines for testing chemical disinfectants]
and the “Anforderungskatalog” [Requirements catalogue] of the DGHM (Deutsche Gesell-
schaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie e V.) [=German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology]
based on the DGHM standard methods for testing chemical disinfection methods and have
been found to be efficacious by the Desinfektionsmittel-Kommission [=Disinfectants Com-
mission] of the DGHM in collaboration with representatives of the following professional
associations: DGKH (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene e. V.) [=German Soci-
ety for Hospital Hygiene], GHU (Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin e. V.) [=Ger-
man Society for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine], DVV (Deutsche Vereinigung zur
Bekämpfung der Viruskrankheiten e.V.) [=German Association for the Control of Viral Dis-
eases] and DVG (Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft e. V.) [=German Veterinary
11 Measurement and storage conditions
The reliability of your meter and lancing device as well as the accuracy
of your results is influenced by a number of factors. Pay close attention
to the following points.
A meter that has been dropped can produce false results.
11.1 Temperature range
Without the batteries
without the test strip drum
the meter
may be stored at between -25 °C and +70 °C.
With the batteries
without the test strip drum
the meter may
be stored at between -10 °C and +50 °C.
At temperatures above +50 °C the batteries could leak and
damage the meter.
At temperatures below -10 °C the batteries do not have
enough power to keep the internal clock functioning.
With the batteries
with the test strip drum
the meter may be
stored at b2 °C and +30 °C.
For blood glucose tests and performance checks the permitted
range is from +10 °C to +40 °C.