Installation and Operation Manual
6 Monitoring and Diagnostics
ACE-3105, ACE-3205 Ver. 5.2
Technical Support
In packet-switched traffic, some packets are not received according to their
predefined sequence number. This condition is defined as misorder.
Accordingly, to allow proper de-capsulation of ATM/TDM traffic, ACE-3105,
ACE-3205 has a mechanism that fixes this condition by re-ordering the
received packets correctly.
You can enable or disable the ordering mechanism, and also set the 'number
of packets' window (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 packets) in which
ACE-3105, ACE-3205 will try to fix erroneous packet sequences (misorders).
For more information, refer to
Technical Support
Technical support for ACE-3105, ACE-3205 can be obtained from the local
distributor from whom it was purchased.
For further information, please contact the RAD distributor nearest you or one of
RAD's offices worldwide. This information can be found at RAD's Web site:
for distributors location, click Where to Buy > End Users).