Download the data file (for example, DAT-3103.ZIP) from one of McAfee’s electronic services. On most
services, it is located in the anti-virus section. Please note that your ability to access these updates is legally
restricted by the maintenance terms outlined in the README.1
file accompanying the software and detailed
in the software license agreement.
Copy the file to a new directory.
The file is in a compressed format. Decompress the file using any PKUNZIP-compatible decompressing
software. If you don’t have the decompressing software, you can download PKUNZIP (shareware) from
McAfee electronic sites. (All authentic files from McAfee will be tagged with -AV by PKZIP. Look for this
tag when unzipping files to ensure their authenticity.)
Locate the directories on your hard drive where your VirusScan software is currently loaded. The default
directory locations are shown below.
Windows 9Xx:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan
Windows NT
x:\Win32App\VirusScan NT
where x is your CD-ROM drive letter