Tire Changing & Jacking Points
In the event of a flat tire, you need to observe the following precautions:
Park the vehicle on a firm level surface; avoiding icy or slippery areas.
Set the parking brake and block both the front and rear of the tire diagonally
opposite the jacking position. For example, if the right front tire is being
changed, block the left rear wheel.
Use a small floor style jack or low profile scissors jack only.
Jack the vehicle only from the side of the vehicle, on the main frame rail, at
the points indicated by
where the tub or floor panel support
and the main frame rail are welded (See picture below).
Do not use the rear Trailer Hitch Adapter indicated by
as lifting point !
However it can be used as Tie-Down point during transport see page 50 for details.
chassis (
body removed
Jacking at any location other than the proper jacking points may cause major vehicle body damage.
Getting under a jacked-up vehicle is dangerous. The vehicle could slip off the jack
and fall on you. Never get any part of your body under a vehicle that is on a jack.
Never start or run the motor when the vehicle is on a jack. If you need to get under
the vehicle, make sure the vehicle is first located on a flat solid surface, and is
supported securely by automotive jack stands or, take the vehicle to a service
center where a technician can put it on a properly adjusted hoist.
Copyright © 2011 American Custom Golf Cars, Inc.