Safety Belts
Your NEV is equipped with “
Safety Belts
” for both driver and passengers.
Research has shown that safety belts save lives. Safety belts can reduce the
seriousness of injuries in a single vehicle accident. Some of the worst injuries
happen when people are thrown from the vehicle. Safety belts provide protection,
and they reduce the risk of injury caused by striking the inside of the vehicle.
Everyone needs to buckle up all the time, even for short trips.
• Wearing a safety belt incorrectly is dangerous. Safety belts are designed to go
around the large bones of your body. These are the strongest parts of your
body and can take the forces of a collision best.
• Wearing your safety belt incorrectly could increase your risk for injury in a
collision. You could suffer internal injuries, or even slide out of part of the belt.
Use the instructions in this manual to insure you and your passengers are
wearing the safety belts properly.
•Two people should never be belted into a single safety belt. People belted
together can crash into one another in an accident, causing injury. Never use a
lap/shoulder belt for more than one person, no matter the size of the person.
In a collision, you and you passengers can suffer injuries, including fatalities,
if you are not properly buckled up. You can strike the interior of your vehicle or
other passengers, or you can be thrown out of the vehicle. Always be sure you
and others in your vehicle are buckled up properly.
Maximum occupancy for operation on public roads is limited to two
people (including the driver).
Copyright © 2011 American Custom Golf Cars, Inc.