Crane Scales
PAGE: 27
Model HACS
689 SW 7
Terrace, Dania Beach, FL 33004 | (954) 367-6116
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The scale must not be in Hold mode. Otherwise, error message
will keep flashing.
6.11.1 Communication On/Off
The scale’s serial communication port is controlled by the Communication On/Off status. When the port is set to be on,
the scale enables its serial communication, while port is off, communication is disabled.
By default, the Communication On/Off status is set to off.
6.11.2 Baud Rate
Baud Rate is the speed that scale output signal. There are optional 4 baud rates: 1200bps, 2400bps, 4800bps, and
By default, Baud Rate is set to 1200bps.
6.11.3 Scale Address
For multiple scales application, address can be assigned to identify the uniqueness. Scale sends out address number in
the serial communication protocol.
Scale Address can be assigned from 00 to 99.
By default, Scale Address is set to 00.