In the MANUAL MODE, programs can be saved and named into a favorite program list
by pressing the ‘save’ icon
button. If any parameters have been modified, the changes will be saved, and a program with the custom settings can
be added to the system. To retrieve “Favorite” programs, start from the ‘Home’ screen, touching ‘Favorites’ will
display the users saved programs by order of entry, with the newest programs listed at the bottom of the list. Press
the “Edit” button to the right of the program name to further modify and/or edit the program name. Press the “Run”
button to the right of the name to go to the run screen.
ACP Contact Information
On the Home Screen is an ACP contact information button that contains serial number, software version
ACP Customer Support, ACP Clinical Question and Support phone number and email address, ACP
website and physical mailing address.
Setup Procedure for Drum Inductive Applicator
Adjust the position of the drum inductive applicator by slackening the arm hand wheels. Position the drum
inductive applicator over the treatment site with a terry cloth or cotton towel between the drum inductive
applicator and the skin. As an alternative the drum inductive applicator may be placed 1/2" above the
surface to be treated without direct contact.
When the drum inductive applicator has been placed in position, tighten the hand wheels on the arm to
prevent movement.
Press the power button on the membrane control panel, and the green LED light will illuminate. Select
INDICTIIONS or MANUAL MODE using the touchscreen controls.
INDICATIONS MODE: There are two to three protocols ma
rked 1ΔT, 2ΔT, 4ΔT or VAR under
desired indication. The protocol default settings cannot be changed in the Indications mode.
MAUAL MODE There are fo
ur (4) protocols marked 1ΔT, 2ΔT, 4ΔT or VAR
(VAR) defaults setting are always 65usec pulse duration,400 PPS pulse rate 30 minutes. In MANUAL
MODE, the PULSE DURATION and the PULSE RATE can be adjusted using the Up and Down Arrow
switches. The desired selection will be displayed in the PULSE DURATION DISPLAY and the PULSE
RATE DISPLAY. The Time setting can be changed for all protocols.
Touch the “start” button to begin treatment. The Device Output tuning bar will appear to indicate that
output is active. If the Inductive Applicator cable is disconnected an Error Pop-up will appear to check the
coaxial cable.
If the reflected power as shown on the display on the bottom left is high, it may be minimized by slowly
adjusting the tuning know on the side of the drum applicator. The optimal setting is the highest forward
power and the lowest reflected power. Tuning will ensure consistent dosage to the applicator head being
transmitted to the treatment area.
If at any time during treatment the “stop” button is touched, the output will be paused, and the timer will
stop counting down. To resume treatment touch the “start” button and the treatment will resume.
At the end of the treatment time, when the timer reaches 00:00, the buzzer will sound and the shortwave
output will stop.
The Average Power will be zero and Device Output bar will be blank on the touch screen