OmniVR® Equipment User Manual
MNL-0007 (1.3)
© Copyright 2015-2022. Accelerated Care Plus Corporation — All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.
Both the patient and the clinician are displayed white, and nothing
else is displayed green.
The patient is not detected. Make sure the patient is standing in front of the OmniVR®
in the normal position. Briefly cover the lens of the camera with your hand, allowing it
to refresh the view of the room.
The patient is displayed green, but large parts of the patient’s body
are displayed white.
Try to limit the amount of both direct and indirect sunlight in the exercise area.
Closing blinds or curtains often helps. Another option is to move the OmniVR® to
another location.
The clinician is displayed green, and the patient is displayed white.
The clinician is detected instead of the patient. The clinician should try to move out of
the camera’s view by moving to the side or standing behind the patient.
General Camera Tips continued