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Manual Deployment and Activation
To manually deploy and activate a Category I or II beacon, you must do the following:
Remove the beacon from its bracket.
Activate the beacon by placing it in the water.
OR, slide the Activation Button Cover toward and over the self-test button, thus breaking the Protective Witness Seal.
Then, press the Activation Button for a minimum of two seconds or until the red LED starts to flash.
NOTE: Once the protective activation witness seal has been broken, it can only be replaced by an ACR Battery
Replacement Center.
Manual Activation without Deployment
A Category I or II beacon can also be manually activated while still in its bracket by pressing the activation button as
described above. For proper beacon operation when activated in the bracket, ensure that the beacon has a clear view to
the sky.
Turning Off the Beacon
If your beacon was manually activated and you wish to deactivate, push the activation button for 3 seconds or
until the LEDs stop flashing.
If your beacon was automatically activated (water activated) and you wish to deactivate, remove the beacon from the
water and dry the unit. The beacon normally takes up to 10 seconds to deactivate.
WARNING: If deactivation should fail, remove the bottom screw holding the battery to the unit, and separate the
battery from the main body of the EPIRB to disable the unit. Return the beacon to ACR Electronics for service.