Shift Stop Time
The time of day employees on the shift are scheduled to stop working.
Shift Round
The number of minutes before the Shift Start Time or after the Shift Stop Time in which employee
punches will be treated as if they had occurred exactly on the Shift Start and Stop Times.
Shift Grace
The number of minutes after the Shift Start Time or before the Shift Stop Time in which employee
punches will be treated as if they had occurred exactly on the Shift Start and Stop Times.
Shift Dock
The maximum number of minutes an employee will lose from time worked totals for punching IN
late or punching OUT early.
Lunch Start
The earliest time of day at which an employee can punch out for lunch. The system may adjust an
employee's out to lunch punch to make sure that a full Lunch Duration is taken.
Lunch End
This is the latest time of day at which an employee should punch back in from lunch. The system
may adjust an employee's IN from lunch punch to make sure that a full Lunch Duration is taken.
Lunch Duration
The number of minutes for lunch that will be subtracted from time worked totals. Lunch Duration
is ignored if the employee's lunch rules are disabled.
Auto Lunch After
Auto Lunch After is the minimum amount of time that must elapse from the employee's last IN
punch before the Lunch Duration is subtracted from the employee's work time.
Edit Time Totals