headset cover
compression ring
angular contact
angle cup
base plate
bike frame
head tube
angular contact
angle cup
insert angle cup
Apply a thin layer of grease to the insides of the
bearing cups and then insert the bearings with the
phase facing the cup. Then put the bearing cups
together with the bearings in the frame.
The markings on the bearing cups must point in
the opposite direction. You can find a detailed
explanation on the back of this manual.
angle headset (icr)
manual and product information
Clean the bearing seats and then apply a thin layer
of grease.
clean and grease
max. 15mm
Tap the base plate in place with a suitable tool. You are
finished as soon as the base plate sits flat on the fork
mount base plate
Then generously coat the base plate with grease
before you install the fork.
grease base plate
Guide the fork from below through the head tube until
the base plate rests against the headset. Hold the fork
in position and guide all other components onto the
fork cone: centering ring, headset cover, spacer, stem.
There must be 1-2 millimeters space between the upper
edge of the steerer tube and the stem to preload the
headset in the next step.
mount the fork
Now place the top cap on the stem, grease the head of
the adjusting screw and turn it clockwise into the star
nut. Tighten the screw only with 1.0 Newton meter. The
stem screws must not be tightened at this point. Now
pull the front brake with one hand. With the other hand
grasp the head tube and the headset cover and move
the bike back and forth. If you can feel play, tighten the
adjusting screw slightly more. Repeat this process until
you can't feel any play. Then align the stem correctly
and tighten it according to the manufacturer's
adjust headset play
If not properly performed, assembly and maintenance work can
cause accidents resulting in death or serious injury.
-Do not overestimate your technical ability. All assembly and maintenance
work shall be performed by a specialist workshop for bicycles. This is
the only guarantee of having this work done in a professional way.
-Use only acros genuine parts.
-Always keep your bicycle in a faultless technical state.
Danger of accident through a wrong riding mode.
-Use only the range of application for which your acros product is
designed for.
-When riding your bicycle you should always wear a new cycling
helmet of good quality (e.g. ANSI certified). Your clothing should be
close fitting, but not uncomfortable. For special types of use (e.g.
downhill) appropriate protective clothing is indispensable.
-Only ride your bicycle when you are in good physical condition.
-Don‘t jump with your bicycle – the forces created by such manoeuvres are
enormous and frequently cause serious accidents, which can result in death.
You should also rely on your common sense and avoid any
unreasonable behaviour!
intended use
important safety information
Non-observance of the advice given in this manual can cause accidents
resulting in death or serious injury.
Read this manual carefully before performing any necessary assembly
and maintenance work. It is essential to read and observe all assembly
and maintenance instructions, including those given in the manuals of
other manufacturers whose products are used on your bicycle (frame,
fork, stem etc.). Ensure that all other users of your bicycle carefully read
this manual and observe the instructions.
Any use differing from the intended one can cause accidents result-
ing in death or serious injury.
steep head
slack head
assemble base plate
Clean the fork steerer at the lower end and apply a thin
layer of grease. Then guide the base plate with the
bevel pointing upwards on the steerer tube.