so must be where the base is located. The postcode is used to locate the
address on a map.
Next - Go to Step 2 to continue setting up your Assure system.
If you are setting the system up for someone else choose the ‘RESPONDER’
link. You will then be asked for the following information:
Your name: this is the name that will appear to your wearer(s).
Username: this is a unique name you can use instead of your email
address to log in.
Password: enter a password for you to use when you log in.
Phone number: this your number that is called when an alert is raised.
Postcode: this helps us locate RESPONDERs
Now log in using either your username or email address - the password will
work for either.
1. Select NEW WEARER (left hand menu) then ‘Add New User’.
2. Complete all the details for the new WEARER.
3. As an administrator RESPONDER you can now go to MY WEARERS and
select ‘View User Panel’. This will take you to the WEARER panel where
you can change the system settings and add new RESPONDERs.
Step 2:
Verifying your phone number
IMPORTANT: Your phone numbers must be verified by answering and
responding to an automated phone call. The system will not work without
verifying the number. You should verify your own number by selecting
DASHBOARD on your portal and following the instructions in the number
verification screen.
1. Please double check the number. If it is not correct edit the number and
click on Save Changes.
2. Lines that use a call blocker will need to follow the instructions in the
registration email.
3. When you are content with the phone number click on
4. Follow the spoken instructions