Frequently Asked Questions
Is the ActiGraph Link waterproof?
The ActiGraph Link is water resistant to 1 meter for 30 minutes according to IP27 certification. The device can be
worn during bathing and swimming activities.
How should I clean the ActiGraph Link and accessories after use by a subject?
The ActiGraph Link, wristband, and belt clip should be wiped down using any alcohol based solution. Elastic belts
and pouches should be laundered.
Is the raw accelerometer output the same as with ActiGraph’s previous devices?
Yes, the ActiGraph Link uses the same accelerometer and sampling and filtering methods as the GT3X+ line of
activity monitors.
Is there any way for the subject to change or reprogram the ActiGraph Link display after it has been
No, the ActiGraph Link display will operate according to the parameters selected during initialization until it has
been reinitialized with ActiLife.
Does the wear sensor work at the waist?
No, the wear sensor is only accurate for wrist worn devices.
What do the various sensors in the IMU measure?
The accelerometer measures acceleration normalized to Earth gravity (g). The gyroscope measures angular rates
in degrees per second. The magnetometer measure magnetic field strength in microteslas. The thermometer
measures temperature of the IMU in Celsius.
Does the magnetometer provide accurate measurements in any geographic location?
Variations in magnetic north versus true north vary by location in a predictable way. There are lookup tables
available. The magnetic field measurements may also be affected by hard and soft iron effects.
Can I calculate body temperature using the thermometer in the IMU?
No, the thermometer measures the temperature of the the IMU sensor for possible compensation of the IMU
Contact Us
Please contact our Customer Support Team with any questions or for additional information about operating the
ActiGraph GT9X Link.
+1 (850) 332-7900
+1 (877) 497-6996 (toll free)