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4. PC Communication Method
1. HPM-100A is compatible with RS-232C communication.
2. The GUI PC program will be provided free of charge. It can also be downloaded from the homepage.
3. The basic transmission protocol is as follows: (Transmission protocols can be confirmed from a hyper terminal.)
- Cable supply for data communication (with charge)
(1) Communication Port: Connect to a created port in the case of a serial communication port or a USB cable.
(2) Transmission Speed: 9600
(3) Parity: none
(4) Stop Bit: 1
(5) Flow Control: none
(6) When the English capital letter “S” is transmitted from a PC or Micom, or when “RS-232” is pressed, data will
be consecutively received and “COMM” will be displayed on the product’s screen. When the English capital letter
“E” is transmitted, the communication will be cancelled.
“S” on the communication screen means the start of a set of data, while “E” means the end.
Warning: When collecting data through the HPM-100A GUI program, the accumulated Wh value on HPM-100A will
be reset.
* Received data ( : indicates a decimal point)
Ex) Data obtained: 220.0V, 100.0mA, 22.00W, 120.3Wh, 1.000PF, 60.00Hz
Press the “S” transmission on the PC, or the “RS232” button.
The data obtained will be consecutively received in the format shown below.
When the English capital letter “E” is transmitted, the communication will be cancelled
S 22003Vo 10003Am 22002Wa 10001Pf 60001Hz 11kg 5371Wo E