Take out the battery lid. According the sign “ + ,-”, insert 3 alkaline batteries or rechargeable batteries to the battery socket, then
“ + ,-”, insert 3 alkaline batteries or rechargeable batteries to the battery socket, then
insert 3 alkaline batteries or rechargeable batteries to the battery socket, then
cover the battery lid.
Setting up the instrument on the loor or the tripod. When using tripod, support the centering nut of the instrument with one
hand and screw the centering screw into the centering nut female thread. Tighten the centering screw.
When the buzzer sounds while turn on the instrument (at the same time the LED will blink), that means the instrument is over
alarm range based on the ground, please adjust the three leveling screw or tripod.
Make the loor point of the instrument aim at object on the loor, line to aim at object. And then move ine adjustment
mechanism and move upper part of the instrument to roughly adjust vertical to ind objects correctly.
5. When the instrument inclines over alarm range, because of certain reason during the operation, the laser and the LED
When the instrument inclines over alarm range, because of certain reason during the operation, the laser and the LED
will blink and buzzer sounds at the same time, the laser line gleams. This time, please adjust the three leveling screws to make
the buzzer sound stop.