I can't get the Itsy/Feather USB device to show up - I get
"USB Device Malfunctioning" errors!
This seems to happen when people select the wrong board from the Arduino
Boards menu.
If you have a Feather 32u4 (look on the board to read what it is you have) Make
sure you select Feather 32u4 for ATMega32u4 based boards! Do not use anything
else, do not use the 32u4 breakout board line.
If you have a Feather M0 (look on the board to read what it is you have) Make sure
you select Feather M0 - do not use 32u4 or Arduino Zero
If you have a ItsyBitsy M0 (look on the board to read what it is you have) Make sure
you select ItsyBitsy M0 - do not use 32u4 or Arduino Zero
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