Red Hat/Cent OS/Fedora:
cd /media/cdrom/maxview/linux/manager
cd /media/cdrom/maxview/linux manager
3. Install the .bin file:
(For a 64-bit system)
Enter your username [default: root].
Enter your operating system password.
Enter the CIM Server HTTP Port: [default:5988].
When the installation completes a confirmation message is displayed.
4. Unmount the Adaptec Installation DVD.
5. Repeat these steps to install maxView Storage Manager on every Linux system that will be part of
your storage space.
When the installation is complete you receive a confirmation message and the maxView Storage Manager
icon is placed on your desktop.
Installing on Debian or Ubuntu Linux
This section describes how to install maxView Storage Manager on systems running Debian or Ubuntu
Linux. For a list of supported Linux operating systems, see
System Requirements
on page 17.
1. Insert the Adaptec Installation DVD.
2. Mount the Adaptec Installation DVD:
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
3. Change to the Debian manager directory:
cd /mnt/cdrom/maxview/debian_x86/manager
for a 64-bit installation:
cd /mnt/cdrom/maxview/debian_x86_64/manager
4. Install the .deb package. (xxxxx=build number)
dpkg -i StorMan_9.00_XXXXX_i386.deb
(For a 64-bit system)
dpkg -i StorMan_9.00_XXXXX_x86_64.deb
Enter your username [default: root].
Enter your password.
Enter the CIM Server HTTP Port: [default:5988].
5. Unmount the DVD:
umount /mnt/cdrom
6. Repeat these steps to install maxView Storage Manager on every Debian and Ubuntu Linux system
that will be part of your storage space.
When the installation is complete you receive a confirmation message and the maxView Storage Manager
icon is placed on your desktop.
Installing on Solaris
This section describes how to install maxView Storage Manager on systems running Solaris.
1. Insert the Adaptec Installation DVD.
The Installation DVD mounts automatically. If it doesn't, manually mount it.
mount -F hsfs -o ro/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2/mnt
2. Install maxView Storage Manager.
pkgadd -d/<mount point>/maxview/solaris_x86/manager/StorMan.pkg
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.
Document No.: CDP-00278-02-A Rev. A, Issue:
maxView Storage Manager User's Guide