Working with Scheduled Tasks
maxView Storage Manager allows you to schedule some tasks to start at convenient times. Additionally,
you can schedule some tasks to recur at preset times.
This section describes how to schedule, monitor, and manage tasks.
Scheduling a Task
If a task is lengthy and limits access to components in your storage space, you may want to set a date
and time for the task to start, instead of running the task while there is activity in your storage space.
If a task must be performed regularly, you can schedule it to recur at preset times.
You can schedule these tasks in maxView Storage Manager:
• Expanding a logical drive
• Changing a logical drive's RAID level
• Modifying the stripe size of a logical drive (as part of an expansion or migration)
• Verifying a logical drive
• Verifying and fixing a logical drive
To schedule one of these tasks:
1. Complete each step of the task until you are prompted to finish the task or schedule the task. (The
actual label on the "finish" button varies, depending on the task type.) Do not click finish!
2. Click Schedule.
The schedule window opens.
Note: The schedule window is the same for all tasks, except for the title text on
the title bar.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.
Document No.: CDP-00278-02-A Rev. A, Issue:
maxView Storage Manager User's Guide