Modifying Email Server Settings
You can modify these email server settings, if required:
• Address and port of your SMTP server
• ‘From’ address that will appear in email notifications
• Secure server login credentials
To modify email server settings:
1. In the Enterprise View, select a system.
2. On the ribbon, in the System group, click System Settings.
3. When the System Settings window opens, click the SMTP tab.
4. Edit the SMTP server settings as required, then click OK to save your changes.
Creating an Email Notification Template
You can create an email notification template with a custom subject line and notification preamble. The
notification preamble precedes the system-generated event message (created by maxView Storage
Manager), which includes (but is not limited to) the following information:
• System on which the event occurred
• Timestamp
• Severity level (Error, Warning, Information)
• Event details
To create an email notification template:
1. In the Enterprise View, select a system.
2. On the ribbon, in the System group, click System Settings.
3. When the System Settings window opens, click the Email tab.
The Email Notifications Manager opens.
4. In the Event Email Template section, enter a subject line for the email notification, then enter a
notification message.
5. Click OK to save the template.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.
Document No.: CDP-00278-02-A Rev. A, Issue:
maxView Storage Manager User's Guide