Technical description Chapter 6
PA 358
When you want to insert a new board, click on "Insert". The following dialog
window appears:
Fig. 6-8: Configuring a new board
All boards you can register are listed on the left. Select the wished board. (The
corresponding line is highlighted).
On the right you can read technical information about the board(s).
Activate with "OK"; You come back to the former screen.
You can delete the registration of a board. Select the board to be deleted and click on
Sets the parameterized board configuration. The configuration should be set before
you save it.
Reactivates the former parameters of the saved configuration.
Sets the standard parameters of the board.
More information:
You can change the board specific parameters like the identifier string, the COM
number, the operating mode of a communication board, etc... If your board does not
support this information, you cannot activate this button.
Saves the parameters and registers the board.
Reactivates the last saved parameters and registration.