Software APCI-3003
ADDevice Manager
Fig. 6-2: ADDevice Manager
The following parameters are displayed for every inserted board:
First column:
- Board name
- Board index: Number that is allocated to the board when it is registered in
- Slot number
- IRQ line
- Different addresses which are automatically allocated to the board by the BIOS.
Other columns:
The program distinguishes between the resources (analog/digital input/output,
watchdog etc.) of the virtual board (
software) and the real board (
The following parameters are listed
- Module number,
- Number of resources
- Index: The first index line represents the number of the first resource (left:
virtual resource - right: real board). The second index line represents the
number of the last resource (left: virtual resource - right: real board).
- Type (24 V/5 V, voltage/current, HS/OC - High-Side/Open collector etc.): If in
this line “various” is showed, the resources are of different types. “Undefined”
means that the type of these resources is not defined.
- IRQ: If the input channels are interruptible, the program displays the number of
the first and of the last input/output channel