2-Way Voice Operation (cont’d)
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Setting Listen Mode Volume
After you enter a valid 6-digit access code, the system will start the
voice session in low-volume Listen mode. You may repeatedly enter
the “3” command (press the “3” key) to cycle the listen-in volume from
low to mid to high volume and back to low volume again. If you select
high or mid volume, the system will automatically cycle between the
selected high or mid volume (for 15 seconds) and low volume (for 3
seconds) until you change the volume, change the mode, or terminate
the session. This is done to allow you to re-enter commands in low
volume (as signaled by a noticeable drop in sound level) should loud
premises sounds interfere with command detection in high or mid
volume, causing the system to not respond.
Ending Voice Session
You can terminate the voice session using the “99” command.
Individuals on premises can also terminate the voice session by
pressing the “END” key on any station. The system will automatically
terminate the voice session 90 seconds after it started unless you
enter the “7” command (or another command) to reset this timeout.
The system will issue a high-frequency beep with 20 seconds
remaining and a low-frequency beep with 10 seconds remaining in the
90-second timeout.