Chapter 4 - Installation for AdeptSix Robots
Adept PA-4 Power Chassis User’s Guide, Rev E
sMAI Module
The Adept sMAI module is a single-slot board designed to control the motion axes on an
AdeptSix robot. The sMAI connectors and indicators are described in
Figure 4-3
Figure 4-3. sMAI Module Connectors and Indicators
1. Brake
connects to the optional brake release box.
The brake release box is used to release the robot brakes
manually via a selector switch for each axis.
2. SmartServo
ports 1 and 2: the IEEE 1394 cable from the
SmartServo connector on the SmartController can be
installed in port 1 or 2. This connection relays command and
control signals between the sMAI and the SmartController.
3. Amplifier Signal
connector: the sMAI-to-Amp interface
cable is installed on this connector at the factory. This
connector is covered when shipped and users should not
need to access it.
4. CNPG123 Arm Signal
connector: the CNPG123 plug on the
Arm Signal cable from the robot is installed on this
connector. Provides an interface for the respective joint
position encoders.
5. CN25
connector: for AdeptSix-600 robots only, the CN25
cable from the Arm Signal cable is installed on this connector.
6. CN29
connector: the CN29 cable from the Arm Power cable is
installed on this connector. This provides an interface to the
electromechanical brakes.
7. Status
panel: displays alpha-numeric codes that indicate the
operating status of the robot, including detailed fault codes.
Table 4-2 on page 41
for definitions of the status codes.
These codes provide details for quickly isolating problems
during troubleshooting.
8. RS-232
connector: reserved for future use.
9. EXPIO (EXPansion I/O)
connector: this is the interface to
external IO devices, such as the IO Blox.
10. XSLV
interfaces to the XSYS connector on a
SmartController, or to the JSLV connector on the CIP-2 in an
AWC Controller-based system. The connection provides an
interface so that the sMAI is a slave to the dual-channel
emergency stop circuits of the controller.
11. CNPG456 Arm Signal
connector: the CNPG456 plug on the
Arm Signal cable from the robot is installed on this
connector. Provides an interface for the respective joint
position encoders.
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