User Guide | COMFORT LwM2M | NB-IoT / LTE-Cat-M1
The following table lists the parameters to configure on the product to connect to a bootstrap LwM2M
PSK Identity
PSK Identity configured in the
product for product identification
on the bootstrap server (unique ID)
A unique ID is pre-configured in
the product before delivery
Key configured in the product to
enable data encryption For the
product to be recognized, this key
must also be provided on the
bootstrap server side
A unique key in hexadecimal
characters is pre-configured in the
product before delivery This key
can be modified by the user (be
cautious to follow the hexadecimal
Bootstrap Server URI
URI of the bootstrap server
(including the port) that the product
should communicate with
To be specified by the user
To configure the bootstrap server via the NFC IoT Configurator application, go to the
"CONFIGURATION" menu => Then select the "LwM2M CONFIGURATION" section =>
Apply the new configuration to the product via NFC.
5.1.2 Registering the Product on an LwM2M Server without Using a Bootstrap
The following table lists the parameters to configure on the product to connect to an LwM2M server
without using a bootstrap service.
PSK Identity
PSK Identity configured in the
product for product identification
on the LwM2M server (unique ID)
A unique ID is pre-configured in
the product before delivery This
unique ID can be modified by the
PSK key
Key configured in the product to
enable data encryption For the
product to be recognized, this key
must also be provided on the
LwM2M server side
A unique key in hexadecimal
characters is pre-configured in the
product before delivery This key
can be modified by the user (be
cautious to follow the hexadecimal
LwM2M Server URI
URI of the LwM2M server
(including the port) that the product
should communicate with
To be specified by the user