DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Service) Settings aim to solve the problem that Radio Gateways
cannot be set under NAT using dynamic IP. Only activate this setting when the Radio Gateway is
set under NAT using dynamic IP and without supporting DDNS.
Advanced Settings
Choose DDNS Group: Available for DynDNS, TZO, PeanutHull, NO-IP or DDNS Server from other
agencies. If it’s the latter one, please apply the account in advance.
Server address: IP or URL of registered DDNS Server
Hostname: Enter the URL of the system (or NAT) – applied from domain name registration
providers (e.g. VoIPGateway01.dyndns.org).
Login ID/Password: Enter the Login ID and password used to log-in to the DDNS server.
Automatic IP Detection: Only activate it when it’s set up under NAT
Note: If the Radio Gateway is set up under NAT, then enter the hostname in the NAT
IP/Domain that is the same as the Hostname of the DDNS.