Take care of the connectors during handling of the camera. Connectors should not be damaged. Prevent the
entry of foreign objects or dirt into the connectors, as this will result in unreliable operation or damage.
Mounting screws
M4 screws should be used with a maximum screw depth of 5 mm. The recommended tightening torque is
188 cNm. Take notice of the maximum length of the screws that may be used for mounting the camera. Using
screws too long can cause damage to the camera.
2.3 Camera repair and Warranty
Repair, modification and replacement of parts shall be done only by Adimec to maintain compliance with the
directive 89/336/EEC electromagnetic compatibility, directive 72/23/EEC low voltage directive and the
international standards.
For repair and warranty claims contact your local dealer or the business offices in your region. The minimum
information we need to know for a repair request or warranty claim are the camera serial number and a detailed
failure description.
In case the camera needs to be returned to investigate the repair options or grant your warranty claim you will
receive a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. Please use this RMA-number to ship the camera to
Adimec. Cameras without RMA number will be rejected.
Once the camera is arrived at Adimec the camera will be investigated to proof possible repair or grant your
warranty claim. In case of repair the repair costs will be quoted. After your approval of the repair cost camera will
be repaired and returned.