PPD other than the one properly set up with a particular device. If you or your customers
want to create a PostScript file targeted to a PPD for a printer not connected to the computer,
choose PostScript File in the Printer menu.
For this reason, make sure your output devices are properly set up using the Add Printer
wizard (Windows) or the Print Center (Mac OS X). Ensure that your PostScript output
devices are set up with the correct PPDs. Once you set up your printers, you don’t have to
change them until your workflow or available devices change.
Pane l list
Use the panel list to change the options on the right side of the Print dialog box. You can
move up and down in the list by pressing Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) and the up
or down arrow keys, or the Page Up and Page Down keys.
Pr ox y
The proxy in the lower left corner of the Print dialog box gives you graphic feedback on how
well the current job settings fit the selected media. It updates dynamically any time you
change a setting that affects the print area required for the job.