Installing LiveCycle Products Using the
Turnkey Installation
This chapter describes how to install LiveCycle products using the turnkey method. The turnkey
installation automatically performs all of the tasks required to install and configure LiveCycle products on
a JBoss Application Server running on Windows.
The turnkey installation performs the following tasks:
Installs the product files
Installs a preconfigured version of JBoss 3.2.5 (with Apache web server embedded)
Starts Configuration Manager
Configures and assembles the LiveCycle product components
Deploys all of the required components to JBoss
For LiveCycle Policy Server, the turnkey installation also installs and initializes the MySQL 4.1 database.
Installing LiveCycle Reader Extensions or
LiveCycle Document Security
Before running the turnkey installation, ensure that the environment where you are installing and
deploying LiveCycle products meets the system requirements. (See the note under
“System requirements”
on page 11
). This includes manually installing the required version of the JDK. During the turnkey
installation, you will be prompted for the JDK root directory. The turnkey installation then installs JBoss
and the Apache web server automatically.
The turnkey installation specifies “localhost” as the host and “8080” as the port for use by JBoss. If JBoss is
already installed, ensure that it is not using port 8080. You cannot configure an alternative host or port for
JBoss during the turnkey installation and configuration process.
By default, the turnkey installation places the LiveCycle product and all of the related components and
software in the \Adobe\LiveCycle\ directory (referred to as the
[LiveCycle root]
JBoss is installed and run from the
[LiveCycle root]
/jboss directory.
The turnkey installation creates the “JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle” Windows service.
This service is used by Configuration Manager during the turnkey installation. The service can be stopped
and started using the Services window in the Administrative Tools area of the Windows Control Panel.
If JBoss is already installed, you must stop the service before running the turnkey installation.
For the turnkey installation, it is recommended that you accept the default configuration options. If you
prefer to set all of the configuration options, run the manual installation, configuration, and deployment
process. For information about the configuration options, see
“Configuring LiveCycle Products” on
page 44
To improve the speed of installation, disable any on-access virus scanning software for the duration of
the installation.