the offset of the knife. This parameter sets the offset for those calculations. The figure to the right
shows the path the knife follows; the radius move at the corner allows for the knife offset. There
are three blades available from our online store our online store at
H20-017 30° Allen Datagraph i-TECH, DFS, Centra, Axxis cutting blade. Ideal for label stock.
Angle of blade at 30 degrees to have exact control on depth of cut. This blade has a 0.012 inch
(0.0305 cm) offset. It can be identified by its blue plastic cap.
H20-007 45° Allen Datagraph i-TECH, DFS, Centra, Axxis cutting blade. Ideal for general pur-
pose cutting of vinyl and other thin materials. Angle of blade at 45 degrees to balance depth of cut-
ting and pivot angle. This blade has a 0.012 inch (0.0305 cm) offset. It can be identified by its red
plastic cap.
H20-008 60° Allen Datagraph i-TECH, DFS, Centra, Axxis cutting blade. Ideal for cutting thick
materials. Angle of blade at 60 degrees to optimize cut angle. This blade has a 0.012 inch (0.0305
cm) offset. It can be identified by its green plastic cap.
Minimum Angle
The cutter must stop and then accelerate whenever it makes a sharp turn. At
shallow angles the cutter can continue at the cut velocity without decelerating then accelerating.
This parameter sets the angle where below which the cutter can continue without stopping. High
values increase throughput and lower value increase quality. Good quality can be obtained at
reasonable speed at the default value of 12°.
Hole Distance
displays and sets the distance between holes when the cutter is used in the pounce
Tear Size
displays and sets the hole size created when the cutter is in the pounce mode.
displays and sets the servo acceleration. The unit of measurement is 1/4 g’s or 8
feet per second per second. This parameter is more important in small graphics than in large labels
or text. Use a setting of 1 for heavy material and 2 to 8 is generally the best for most other
material. This parameter does affect throughput speed on graphics with short vectors. As the
graphics get larger the effect of higher acceleration diminishes. Higher acceleration can degrade
cut quality.
Load Speed
displays and sets the speed of the material loading and the speed of the material pull
off in the service loop mode.
Load Length
displays and sets the length of the material that is pulled during the load cycle and
service loop if the cutter service loop mode is on.
sets the operation mode. Select the operation mode cutting, pen plotting/drawing or
To restore the factory default to all setups click the
Restore Default
To load a setting enter setting number desired and click on
Load Setup.
To save a setting enter setting number desired and click on
Save Setup
Settings Menu (Advanced Options)
Service Loop
This feature should be turned off. It was designed to allow pulling media off the
roll. Since the cutter cannot pull media off the roll and cut correctly it is not useful.
Dynamic Force
(an advanced feature) engages the dynamic force function that instantaneously
adjusts the force on the fly based on the actual velocity of the knife blade. All cutters must
accelerate and decelerate as they cut around corners. Some medias require different force settings