C N C 4 2 2 0 M a c hi ne Too l Op e ra t ion an d Te st
Fig. 1-3-2
Comprehensive coordinates
In comprehensive position page, relative coordinates, absolute coordinates, machine tool
coordinates and remaining movement are displayed at the same time. The value of machine tool
coordinates is the coordinates of current position in machine tool coordinates, which is created
through mechanical reset. The remaining movement is the difference between the target
coordinates of program section or MDI instruction and the current absolute coordinates.
The page follows:
Fig. 1-3-3
In position/program page, the absolute coordinates and relative coordinates of current
position and program line of current program are displayed at the same time. When the
program is running, the displayed program line refreshes dynamically.
Current position (relative coordinates)
Manual rate: G code:
Actual rate:
Processing pieces:
Manual magnification: Cutting time:
Main axis magnification:
Manual mode
Current position
(machine tool coordinates) (Absolute coordinates)
(Relative coordinates) (Remaining movement)
Manual mode
Current position
(machine tool coordinates) (Absolute coordinates)
Manual mode
Fig. 1-3-4