1. System Introduction and Overview of Functions
1.1 System Components
Drive machine control system mainly consists of the following three parts:
QC400 drive control system
Handheld FlexPendant
Connecting Cables
1.2 Robotics Drive System Instructions
Figure 1-1 shows the schematic side of robotic drive controller(QC400);
The system machine integrated several CPUs (ARM9 + DSP + FPGA), which are
control module, high-performance servo drive module, I/O module, display module,
communication module as a whole;
Interfaces include motor power cable, encoder cable, IO cable, and power cable and
so on.
1. Interface of power , encoder and IO cables;
2. Handheld Flex Pendant connector;
3. External IO board interface;
4. 190~240V Power interface
Figure 1-1 QC400 schematic side