TOTAL ACCESS 3000/3010
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Total Access
3000/3010 System Manual
© 2002, ADTRAN, Inc.
Check to see that the SCU completes its self-test routine:
A.Install the fuse or turn on the circuit breaker to either power feed of the Total
Access 3000/3010 shelf into the appropriate slot in the fuse and alarm panel.
B.Verify that the SCU power-on self-test routine is successfully completed.
The sequence on the front of the SCU faceplate is:
a.HST and ACO green LEDs will blink rapidly several times.
b.Four-character display will flash all LEDs momentarily.
c.All LEDs will extinguish except HST if the SCU is designated or
defaulted to host mode. In that case, the HST LED will remain lit.
d.Four-character display will cycle through the “CRAFT Band”,
“Ethernet”, “Inband” and “CPU load” messages. This constitutes a
complete, successful power-on test.
Connect Terminal or PC to Craft Port
Total Access 3000/3010 shelf management and provisioning is facilitated by a series
of intuitive menus that are accessible on a computer screen. Connecting either a
VT100 terminal or a PC emulating a VT100 terminal to the craft interface on the SCU
faceplate allows access to the menus and management features of Total Access 3000/
Logon to the System
Once connected to the Total Access 3000/3010 SCU via either a VT100 terminal or
PC configured as a VT100 terminal, it is necessary to logon to the system to gain
access to the management and provisioning functions.
Configure Target ID (TID) and Shelf Number
Some remote management systems require a specific address and description for every
system they manage. The Target ID (TID) and Shelf Number may need to be
registered with the management system before it can manage Total Access 3000/3010.
(This step is recommended for any configuration in which multiple shelves will be
daisy-chained via the RS-485 bus for management via a Host SCU.)