Negative Spin (Asymmetric or one sided stall)
When re-centring a thermal the EPSILON 5 will provide early and
clear feedback regarding the onset of a stall by the feeling of quick-
ly increasing brake pressure. If you disregard this feedback and con-
tinue to pull on the brake to the stall point you will feel a sudden re-
duction in brake line pressure. The glider will resume normal fl ight
immediately once the brake is released. If you fail to react at this
point and coax the EPSILON 5 into a spin, it will react dynamically.
That means that depending on the entry situation, more extreme re-
actions are possible (over shooting with increased likelihood of fron-
tal collapse and cravatte’s). A regular pilot can dampen and stabilise
the glider during the overshooting phase with correctly timed inputs.
Thus normal fl ight can be resumed without additional collapses.
IMPORTANT: To deliberately induce a fl at spin during safety training
or an SIV course, we recommend taking a wrap with the brakes. Be-
cause of the long brake travel, this manoeuvre may be diffi cult to
achieve without fi rst taking a wrap.
Deep Stall / Parachutal stall
It’s possible for gliders to resume their normal shape, but carry on
descending vertically and without full forward motion. This situati-
on is called deep or parachutal stall. It’s highly unlikely that this will
happen on your EPSILON 5. However, should it happen, fully raise
both brakes and the glider will return to normal fl ight. If not, reach up
and push the A-risers forwards or apply the speed bar to regain nor-
mal fl ight.
Ensure the glider has returned to normal fl ight by checking your air-
speed before you use the brakes again.
Full Stall
The progressive application of both brakes reduces forward speed as
is evidenced by the reduction in the presence of wind noise. After mi-
nimum speed the glider goes into a momentary phase of parachutal
stall which, if the brakes are pulled further down, is followed by a full
stall with the glider falling behind the pilot. The EPSILON 5 does not
possess a stable parachutal (or deep) stall.
Fast descents
To quickly lose height the ADVANCE test team recommends, depen-
ding on the situation, big ears or a spiral dive. It is a good idea that
you practise these in smooth air.
Big ears
The EPSILON 5 features a smart Big Ear System. Thanks to the spe-
cial line set up, this glider allows you a very effi cient smooth and easy
way of this manoeuvre for a faster descent. Take the two baby risers
and pull them fi rmly and simultaneously downwards. The wing
Manual_Epsilon 5.indd 31
Manual_Epsilon 5.indd 31
30.9.2005 8:48:28 Uhr
30.9.2005 8:48:28 Uhr