Optimized Risers
The EPSILON 5 features separated A-risers. Due to the innovative
Quick-Snap system, they are automatically snapped together and de-
tach following take off to assume the correct position ensuring a pro-
per and precise wing profi le. Moreover, the optimized risers allow for
facilitated ground handling.
Together with the new line geometry these Risers allow a very easy
realization of the big ear manoeuvre. These risers are offered in two
different lengths. For easier and safer handling by smaller pilots, ca-
nopy sizes 23 and 25 are being equipped with shorter risers (difference
4 cm) and smaller brake handles than the canopy sizes 28 and 31.
Effi cient and smooth speed system with SPI
The EPSILON 5 speed system enables an increase in speed of up to
10 km/hr. The system is designed in such a way that on pressing the
speed system, the A, B and C levels shorten by different amounts;
thus an optimum canopy form is maintained even in accelerated
fl ight.
The system is very smooth in operation and enables an excellent gli-
de performance, even at high speeds.
Speed-Performance-Indicator · SPI
A speed/performance scale which is printed on each D riser assists
to determine the optimum speed system position. SPI is the link bet-
ween practise and theory, so you are always fl ying at the optimum
cruising speed!
The transition between performance-optimized fl ying to speed-opti-
mized fl ying takes place continuously and not abruptly, this is clari-
fi ed by the continuous change in the scale.
Manual_Epsilon 5.indd 34
Manual_Epsilon 5.indd 34
30.9.2005 8:48:29 Uhr
30.9.2005 8:48:29 Uhr