Steerable reserves
The IMPRESS 4 can also be used with a steerable reserve.
Connection to the harness should be made with two mail-
lons of minimum strength of 2,400 daN, direct to the co-
loured marked suspension points under the covers on the
shoulder straps. Then the steerable risers and lines should
be led through the channel on the harness to the reserve
compartment. The permanent serial connection V-lines can
be used for a second reserve, or led through the opening
provided and stowed away in the harness back pocket.
The fitting of Quick-Out Carabiners is possible.
Use the bigger loops for the speedbag suspension.
Packing reserve(s) in the inner container(s)
The release handles of the left and right 5-flap inner cont-
ainers are part of the container, and so designed that the
pull of the handle is equally distributed over the width of
the container. This minimises the risk of the inner container
jamming in the reserve compartment, and guarantees a fla-
wless deployment.
Only use the original reserve handle(s)
and its attached inner container(s).
The two inner containers must occupy
their correct sides of the reserve compartment. This
arrangement must not be reversed.
Each harness size has its own inner cont-
ainer size, marked on its handle
Always pack your reserve to the shape and size of the
IMPRESS 4 inner container supplied
Lay the folded reserve in the inner container with the
reserve line bundles on the opposite side of the inner con-
tainer from the reserve handle. When all lines are stowed,
approximately 90 cm of suspension line should remain for
securing the inner container closure flaps. The 90 cm does
not include the reserve bridle.
Preparing the product