20 Gear Drive, Plymouth Ind. Park, Terryville, CT 06786
Tel: (860) 585-1254 Fax: (860) 584-1973 http://www.amci.com
This manual explains the installation and operation of AMCI’s SMD23E2, SMD24E2, SMD23A2 and
SMD24A2 Integrated Stepper Indexer/Driver/Motors. It is written for the engineer responsible for incorporat-
ing these products into a design as well as the engineer or technician responsible for their actual installation.
Applicable Units
This manual applies to all of the units in the SMD23E2, SMD24E2, SMD23A2 and SMD24A2 families.
“A2” units support the EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP, and PROFINET protocols. They are factory config-
ured for the PROFINET protocol.
“E2” units that were released prior to January, 2019, support the EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP proto-
cols. They are factory configured for the EtherNet/IP protocol.
“E2” units that were released on or after January 1
, 2019, support the EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP, and
PROFINET protocols, These units are factory configured for the EtherNet/IP protocol.
The serial numbers for all SMD units are date coded and follows the format ‘MMYYnnnn’. ‘MMYY’ is the
month and year of manufacturer and ‘nnnn’ is a sequential number that resets every month.
SMD23A2 and SMD24A2 products are identical to their E2 counterparts, but are factory con-
figured for the PROFINET protocol instead of the EtherNet/IP protocol. The “E2” part number
is used throughout this manual and applied equally to the “A2” part numbers. When informa-
tion is applicable only to the “A2” units, the part number used will be “A2”.
Each unit contains a two port Ethernet switch, which simplifies network wiring. When the EtherNet/IP proto-
col is used, the unit can act as a node in a Device Level Ring (DLR). When PROFINET is enabled, the unit
supports the Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) and can be incorporated in PROFINET installations that use
a redundant ring topology.
Navigating this Manual
This manual is designed to be used in both printed and on-line forms. Its on-line form is a PDF document,
which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader version 7.0+ to open it. You are allowed to select and copy sections for
use in other documents and add notes and annotations. If you decide to print out this manual, all sections con-
tain an even number of pages which allows you to easily print out a single chapter on a duplex (two-sided)
Read this chapter to learn how to navigate through this manual and familiarize
yourself with the conventions used in it. The last section of this chapter highlights
the manual’s remaining chapters and their target audience.